Research outcomes

NoAuthorsTitleJournalYearAccess link
1.Rygiel, P., Alblas, D.AAA-100: A Curated Dataset of 3D Watertight Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Models2024Read more
2.Alblas, D.SIRE: scale-invariant, rotation-equivariant estimation of artery orientations using graph neural networks.arXiv preprint2023Read more
3.Rygiel, P.Global Control for Local SO (3)-Equivariant Scale-Invariant Vessel Segmentation.arXiv preprint2024Read more
NoPresenterTitleConferenceYearLocationAccess to slides
1.Kak Khee YeungThe VASCUL-AID platform: using AI to predict cardiovascular disease progression in AAA and PAD patientsIMAD2024Liége